About Us

Billy’s Place is a community in the West Valley that provides comfort and companionship to kids and families experiencing grief—no matter where they are on their journey.

Through support groups, special events, and a community of people who ‘get it,’ we help families rediscover moments of happiness without guilt. We nurture these moments as signs of hope for more promising days ahead.

We see people for who they are—people with complex and beautiful identities beyond the grief. 

We don’t see kids who have lost a parent or adults who have lost a partner or child. We see Emily, and Jack, and Billy. We see people like us.

We welcome all kids and families who have experienced the loss of someone special to find community and peer support at Billy’s Place—a safe community created for them and by them.

A man and woman standing in front of an auditorium.

Our Story


The need for Billy's Place arose after my son Billy and I began coping with the sudden death of my husband, Mike. Billy was only 15 months old, and our lives were changed forever. As a team, Billy and I have worked together to use what we have learned in our journey to help others know there is hope.

Billy's Place is a tribute to children and families who will be forever changed and challenged by the death of their loved ones. At Billy's Place, we are proud to provide an organization that helps children and their families cope with the death of a significant person.

Your Support

Because of generous donors like YOU, all of our groups and events are provided at no cost to the family.

Meet Our Team


Founder, Family Support Specialist

A woman standing next to a tree in front of a fence.


Founder, Executive Director

A woman standing next to a tree smiling for the camera.


Director of Programs

A woman standing next to a tree in front of some trees


Development Specialist

A smiling woman with blonde curly hair, wearing a black blouse and red earrings, posing by a tree.


School Bereavement Liaison


School Bereavement Liaison


Group Night Coordinator


Office Manager

A woman standing next to a tree smiling for the camera.
A woman standing next to a tree smiling for the camera.
A woman standing next to a tree smiling for the camera.
A woman in black shirt standing next to tree.


Curriculum and Training Specialist


Group Night Coordinator


Chief Cuddling Officer

A woman standing next to a tree smiling for the camera.
A professional woman in a red blazer smiles confidently in front of a blurred indoor background with green plants.
A close up of a dog 's face with a blurry background

Board of Directors

Collage of eight diverse professional headshots labeled "our amazing board" for "billy's place," each paired with names below: sarah, holly, jacqueline, missy, juli, kris, aaron, iva.

Sarah Baker, President
Holly Dedmon, Vice President
Jacqueline Spiegel, Treasurer
Melissa Jackson, Secretary
Juli McGreal, Member
Kris Friedman, Member
Aaron Spence, Member
Iva Rody, Member

Sarah Baker, President of the Billy's Place Board of Directors, shares highlights from 2022 and speaks to the consistent priorities that drive our dedicated group of leaders.